Perhaps ( if you know history ) you may wonder why _october_ revolution is at 7th november?
Newly formed USSR was the last country that switched to Gregorian calender, you can find interesting details about Julian and Gregorian calenders here and here
The most funny part that being accepted all around the world , orthodox churches still may count dates using Julius Caesar calendar, USSR deceased the meaning of religious related celebrations and they dont have any deep meaning even now, some people can pretend to be religuous, but thats more of hypocrisy, more like a fashion, most people grown in anti-religious country so its more a fashion or funny tradition, like coloured eggs at Eastern (most like funny coloured eggs, but not everyone know thats the meaning of egg symbolizes new life).
The Christmas however didnt kept any tradition or funny things to mass-follow, there is New Year, and a kind of after-new-year celebrations, you start at 31 dec (24th Dec has no meaning at all) and you can celebrate (many people understand this as "drink") till Christmas at 7 Jan or even "Old style New Year" at 13th January.
It can be strange , it can be fun, it can be tradition, it can be just a reason to celebrate in whatever way.
No matter what, Merry Christmas one more time!
Gregorian or Julian ? OR Merry Christmas one more time

hahahahaha Merry Christmas!
hahahahaha Merry Christmas! :D
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