Celcom Samsung Galaxy 10.1 .vs iPad 2
Submitted by Netster on Fri, 09 Sep 2011 - 05:31Celcom Samsung Galaxy 10.1 was on the news today. It’s interesting to note Apple .vs Samsung isn’t over – Germany is banned from selling, Australia still waiting and now Apple kicking Samsung’s butt in Japan. We are lucky Malaysian, we get to buy without obligation.
READ MORE IN MY BLOG ABOUT Celcom Samsung Galaxy 10.1 .vs iPad 2

FlexiChat.NET site goes IPv6
Submitted by Lulu on Thu, 18 Aug 2011 - 03:08We're missed the World IPv6 Day, but since there is no more IPv4 space is left at IANA sooner or later IPv6 will get to use.
According to statistics at ipv6-test.com (btw, check if you have IPv6 and what is preffered when site is available as both v4 and v6!) there are some countries where more than 30% have IPv6 available (though active use according to older Google research is about 1%), so let us not be outsiders, i have enabled IPv6 access for site, for either http://flexichat.net and IPv6-only http://ipv6.flexichat.net

PHP-FPM in a chroot environment
Submitted by Lulu on Thu, 11 Aug 2011 - 15:05This short article is about possible problems you can encounter if you run php-fpm engine in a chroot'ed environment.
Basic explantation about advanced things.

Bad Lion: Contacts Sync
Submitted by Netster on Fri, 05 Aug 2011 - 19:15
The freshly baked Mac OS X Lion 10.7 taste Smurfy! When you put it in your mouth and taste it, you want more! It’s good to know that all the apps are working right out of the oven, even though it did not take the full advantage of Lion – Rawr!!!. No doubt apps developer will takes sometime to design Lion-ness apps to compliment the world most advance OS yet.

Beware Cutting Your Maxis Broadband SIM Card
Submitted by Netster on Mon, 11 Jul 2011 - 22:37Mod your standardize size SIM cards into micro SIM is 100% safe! I know because I was looking for the same answer as you did. The SIM cards cutter was in front of me and the question is “cut or not to cut my Maxis Broadband SIM?”

Rawr! Prepare for Mac OS X Lion with 10.6.8 Updates!
Submitted by Netster on Fri, 01 Jul 2011 - 00:00
Stage4 for Daniel from NVidia
Submitted by Lulu on Thu, 24 Feb 2011 - 15:50I wont write much about Gentoo Linux, its very customizable, anything, compile flags, used features of the software, version control, you can use mix of old and new software, when you wish to live on the bleeding edge with some thing, but dont ever want to change ( for your own reasons ) some other things.
(This is a targeted article, but it may be useful for somebody else as well)

Nginx and PHP fastcgi, security through obscurity or full disclosure?
Submitted by Lulu on Tue, 08 Feb 2011 - 21:00This article covers an issue which is common to any nginx and php-fcgi default installation. I wonder why it wasnt covered at nginx wiki and completely ignored over the net, except very few writings mostly in russian language and few mentions on nginx forum.

mysqlnd: a view into near future of PHP database access
Submitted by Lulu on Mon, 07 Feb 2011 - 10:06It is not a secret but an obvious thing that the most popular database backend for majority websites is mysql. Maybe you even know about recent split of MySQL into several forks,